“HE: When you feel only pain when you think of someone…When you think of someone you…loved…unbelievably…much
And when nothing new comes to replace that pain…Don’t you do something then very…wrong?
EA: I only feel pain. It’s my right!”
A place where, before the Great Crossing to the Hereafter, people meet to remember the days of old.
Here, two people, a man and a woman, HE and SHE, find each other after a long time. Time becomes relative.
Nine, eleven or ten years?
Does it matter when talking about the loss of a loved one? Does it matter when we try to piece together the pieces that once made a whole? Does it matter if we are no longer whole?
The poison of trauma, the poison we unknowingly swallow day after day, the poison that becomes a drug without realizing it.
Two people, a HE and a SHE, stand, together, in the place where their suffering began and try to heal it, together.