“Three hundred thousand years ago, somewhere in southern South Africa, I laughed and playfully hit my brother with a rock when he said, don’t go near the tiger, remember how the second domestic dog in history ate us like a baby dodo. As the tiger sank its fangs into my throat, I realized that
my brother was right, and I wanted to admit my mistake, but I already had no vocal chords. I died almost immediately afterwards, without the chance to pass my optimistic eyelashes on. The future looked depressing.”
The show traces the psychological journey of a person affected by anxiety and depression, from attempts to rationalize what is happening to them, to efforts to perform mundane tasks, to efforts to maintain the appearance of normalcy. Although the triggers are to be found somewhere outside, the battle is waged entirely within, between the various inner voices that scare, inhibit, frighten, in a polyphony that leaves no room for the quiet in which solutions can be sought and found.
The performance is part of the project Intensive Interior, which brings to the forefront the theme of psychological disorders of the anxiety-depressive type, through the realization of a theatrical performance and an exhibition, based on a period of documentation. The production was preceded by focus groups with people affected by these disorders, as well as a round table with specialists in the field.
knock yourself out